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International Conference HIGHRES- Helping IntanGible Heritage REsilience through Storytelling 28 & 29 January 2025

(2024-2026) HIGHRES- Helping IntanGible Heritage REsilience through Storytelling (Research)
Funding source: Erasmus+ KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education Project Nº 2023-1-LV01-KA220-ADU-000160743
Helping Intangible Heritage Resilience through Storytelling – HIGHRES – is a Europe-wide project that aims to empower rural communities with skills to understand, preserve, transmit, and promote their intangible cultural heritage through digital narratives.

Our mission is to leverage the power of digital storytelling as a tool for preserving and promoting intangible cultural heritage, creating new opportunities, and addressing inequalities in rural areas. 
The consortium involves 6 partners from 5 different countries, covering different culture-related areas and contexts within the EU, as Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal, and Italy), Central Europe (the Netherlands), and Eastern Europe (Latvia) are represented.