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Judite Primo

PhD in Education - University Portucalense Infante D. Henrique (2007), Master in Museology - Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies (2000), Specialization in Social Museology - ULHT (1998) and a degree in Museology - Federal University of Bahia (1996). I am a Museologist.

 I am FCT' Principal Researcher, (FCT CEECIND / 04717/2017 "Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity: Theory and Practice of Sociomuseology") hired since 2019. Holder of the UNESCO UNITWIN Chair "Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity" since 2018. Integrated Researcher at R&D CeiED - Center for Interdisciplinary Studies Education and Development. I am a Full Professor at the Department of Museology at the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies - ULHT, acting in the Postgraduate Studies Programs in Museology speciality of Sociomuseology School of Though. I am a scientific supervisor of Postgraduate Studies Groups «Sociomuseology + Paulo Freire» & «Sociomuseology, Gender, Race and Class» integrated with the UNESCO Chair UNITWIN Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity, with the support of the Department of Museology at ULHT. I coordinate the International Seminars #MusaTemas, inserted in the Scientific Employment FCT CEECIND / 04717/2017, with 31 editions (2019-2020) and the YouTube channel. "Sociomuseologia" for the OER's (Object Education Resource) on Sociomuseology subjects. Between 2007 and 2019, I served as Director of the Department of Museology at ULHT, where I coordinated the PhD and Master's Programs in Museology.

I am lecture of the disciplines: Museology and Heritage, Museology and Contemporary Thought, Museology and Cultural Policies, Museology and Gender. l Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Sociomuseology (Cadernos de Sociomuseologia). I have experience in the field of Museology, with an emphasis on Sociomuseology, acting mainly on the following themes: Sociomuseology, Heritage, Local museums, Social memory, Community intervention, Dialogic and participatory methodologies. I published 15 articles in specialized magazines, 8 book chapters and 5 books; I organized 77 events and participated in 44 events; I supervised 7 doctoral theses and 3 master's dissertation and participated as a researcher in 4 projects. I work in the area of Social Sciences with an emphasis on Museology and Sociomuseology. I am a member of Scientific Councils and Advisory Committees of institutions and cultural associations. I am a member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the International movement for a new Museology (MINOM) and member of the Network of Teachers and Researchers in Museology (Brazil).