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Grupos de Estudo

GE - Insurgent Museologies in Our America, (MINA)


The postgraduate study group MINA — Museologias Insurgentes en Nuestra América is a collective of the UNESCO Chair “Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity” that has the support of the Department of Museology of the ULHT and is part of the programs and R&D of CeiED – Centro of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development and the FCT Project – Foundation for Science and Technology CEECIND/04717/2017.

Grupo MINA was created in October 2021, with the objective of thinking, debating and practicing a museology with a social bias, from the Latin American perspective, having as object of study the criticism of museology transplanted to Latin American territories, through historical processes of colonialism and, later, coloniality, which still determine a subservient behavior in relation to the production of knowledge with a strong Eurocentric bias. However, it mainly seeks to study and promote the sociomuseological processes that spread from Mexico to the south of Argentina and Chile, to stimulate intercultural dialogues between these processes and their agents, who think and act on a fertile soil of deliberately forgotten and forgotten memories. /or (un)consciously subordinated, racialized and oppressed.

MINA, therefore, makes an epistemic, theoretical, affective and political decolonial option of museology in its social dimension — from Tawantinsuyu, Anáhuac, Abya-Yala, Pindorama, La gran comarca or Latin America. To this end, it summons researchers and activists from the museological field interested in turning their gaze and thinking, based on diverse socio-museological ideas and practices, around a communal heritage, victim of genocide and epistemicide, based on studies, analyses, dialogues and propositions that aim to transform ideas and practices and that contribute to the formulation of community-based public policies, aimed at collective memories.

For this, it proposes studies and actions that aim to know and discuss the socio-museological ideas and practices of the people who produced the declarations of Santiago and Caracas; the declarations of Rio de Janeiro, Cordoba, Havana, the Missive of Nazareth (MINOM); in addition to the ideas and practices of precursors such as Grete Mostny Glaser, Jorge H. Hardoy, Mario Vázquez Ruvalcaba, Coral Ordoñez, Marta Arjona, Paulo Freire, Waldisa Rússio and all the people who created and continue to create the foundations for contemporary sociomuseological experiences, such as La Casa del Museo, La Casa de Todos y Todas by the Zapatistas, the Museo Nacional de las Culturas Populares, the community museums of Oaxaca and the Casa Museo de la Memoria Indómita (Mexico); the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos and the Museo del Estallido Social, created from the recent demonstrations, which promoted important social and political transformations in Chile; the Museo Travesti del Peru; the Museo de las Memorias: Dictadura y Derechos Humanos, in Paraguay; the Red de Sitios de Memoria Latinoamericano y Caribeños (RESLAC); the Network of Community Museums of America; the Micromuseo movement in Peru; the Museo Casa Ricardo Rojas and the Justicia Museal movement in Argentina; the Pontos de Memória no Brasil, with its museums of favelas, indigenous museums and their social museology networks, community museums, quilombos and terreiros; in addition to many other sociomuseological processes spread across Latin American territory.

Sustainable Development Goals 2030

MINA aims to promote studies, discussions and debates on the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda (UN-UNESCO), notably through the SDGs: 4 – Quality Education; 5 – Gender Equality; 10 – Reduction of Inequalities; 11 – Sustainable cities and communities and 13 – Action against global climate change; as well as analyze its repercussions or not in Latin America


  1. develop research and studies on insurgent museologies in LA — their histories, strategies and methodologies of organization, mobilization and social participation;
  2. create exchange policies with the Latin American museological community, as well as groups and institutions that develop community cultural policies, notably with experiences of community and ethnic memories;
  3. identify and map innovative, participatory, community and insurgent museological practices, based on the knowledge and practices of traditional peoples and local cultures that break with colonial and Eurocentric concepts;
  4. promote studies, discussions and debates on the concept of Good Living, identified as one of MINOM’s commitments to traditional, riverside, rural and urban peripheral communities, in its Missive from Nazaré, 2016;
  5. encourage the formation of networks with research centers, cultural groups, social movements and various institutions linked to Latin American museums and museologies with a social and community bias;
  6. participate in the strengthening of museological actions organized by Latin American groups and communities, with the dissemination of these actions and the provision of information, advice and training.


Scientific Tutoring

PhD Vânia Brayner (ULHT)

Executive Coordination - PhD Students

Julio Cezar Chaves, Yazid Jorge Guimaraes Costa and Henrique Godoy

ULHT Professor and Researchers

  • Chairholder Judite Primo (Chair Coordinator)
  • PhD Mario Moutinho
  • PhD Adel Igor Pausini

Invited Professors and Researchers ULHT

  • PhD Graça Teixeira (UFBA)
  • PhD Mário de Souza Chagas (National Museum of the Republic/UNIRIO)

External researchers/collaborators

  • Phd Alexandre Oliveira Gomes (Center for Studies and Research in Ethnicity – NEPE/UFPE)
  • Phd Ana Daelé Valdés Millán (Museo Provincial Guantánamo – Cuba)
  • Antônia da Silva Santos/Antônia Kanindé (Bachelor in MuseologyUFRB/Articulator of the Indigenous Network of Memory and Social Museology in Brazil)
  • Prof. Ms. Átila Bezerra Tolentino (UFPB)
  • Phd Cíntia Velázquez Marroni (ENCRYM/INAH, Mexico)
  • Phd Dory Castillo Garriga (Universidad Hermanos Saiz de Pinar del Río and Provincial Center for Cultural Heritage in Pinar del Río – Cuba)
  • Phd Fernanda Rechenberg (UFRGS)
  • Phd Luciana Pasqualucci (PUC-SP)
  • Phd Manuelina Duarte (Université du Liége, Belgium/Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology – PPGAS-FCS-UFG, Brazil)