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Departamento de Museologia vai estar presente na Conferencia Geral ICOM2016 MILANO


O Departamentop de Museologia vai estar presente em força na próxima Conferência Geral do ICOM em particular na reunião conjunta CAMOC & ICOFOM & MINOM e no Special Programme for Ecomuseums and Community Museums


Monday, July 4, 14h – 18h

“Museums and Urban Cultural Landscapes”  (?)

Cultural landscapes and urban landscapes are quickly changing, moving on to different conceptual frameworks. The aim of thisjoint sessionofICOFOM,CAMOC andMINOM is to bring together experts in city museums, urban museum issues, new social challenges, and international museology trends, reflecting on how cultural urban landscapes affect the museum meaning and its relationship with the present societies.

The session will be based on the General Conference’s theme, the Siena Charter, and the ICOM/ UNESCO draft recommendation for museums, focusing on contemporary social and cultural urban issues that city museums must be prepared to face and to manage.

Siena Charter:

Unesco recommendation:

The “sense of place” is one of the key concepts of the Siena Charter, which highlights the blur boundaries between tangible and intangible heritage. Rapid, and sometimes irreversible changes in urban landscapes all over the world demands from museums a constant attention to cultural, social and geographical movements that affects peoples’ lives and their relationship with space, time and memory. If this is true for any type of museums, it is especially relevant for city museums, as cities are the ever-growing centres of human life, with all its consequences still to be fully acknowledged.

CAMOC is “a forum for people who work in or are interested in museums about cities, urban planners, historians, economists, architects or geographers, all of whom together can share knowledge and experience, exchange ideas and explore partnerships across international boundaries.” ( index2.php)

ICOFOM is “in charge of researching, studying and disseminating the theoretical basis of museology as an independent scientific discipline, critically analysing the main trends of contemporary museology.”  (

MINOM is an international organization affiliated to ICOM. “Based broadly on a concern for social and cultural change, MINOM brings together individuals who are dedicated to active and interactive museology. It is open to aIl approaches which make the museum an instrument for identity building and development within the community.” (


The papers that are going to be presented in this session are expected to reflect on the questions given below:

  • How can city museums promote the creation of “landscapes communities” (Siena Charter) that are aware of their identity, its relevance and thus attentive to the importance of the cultural landscape preservation and sustainable development?
  • To what extent the Siena Charter’s idea of (urban) cultural landscapes affects museums’ new scope of responsibility towards society and (urban) communities?
  • How can city museums be an active partner in the management and care of their urban cultural landscape, including their symbols, tangible or intangible? Will this perspective affect the notion of city museum?
  • The joint 2015 draft by ICOM and UNESCO recommends that museums should protect and promote cultural and natural diversity, as a major challenge of the 21st century. How can city museums face the changing reality of world cities, being an agent for sustainable development and for intercultural dialogue?
  • What can city museums do to encourage community participation throughout the decision-making, implementation and enforcement processes, promoting engagement and peace, in this new conceptual framework?

The joint session will cover individual oral papers and round-tables. 




Special Programme for Ecomuseums and Community Museums
Wednesday 6th July
Friday 8th July

Programme EN & FR

Italy is the only country in the world where ecomuseums have multiplied in the last twenty years and are now recognized by law in twelve regions or provinces. A national network is now being created to facilitate cooperation and solidarity between the existing ecomuseums and to welcome new ones.

The Italian ecomuseums are also working on a common text, called Manfesto, or Agenda 2016, which will summarize the experience accumulated within the network. It will become a permanent, evolutionary document aimed at reflecting both theoretical and practical collective construction of the ecomuseum movement in Italy.

Italian ecomuseums wish to use the opportunity of the Milan Conference and of the presence in Italy of so many museum professionals, to invite to a Special Programme of debates and visits, all their colleagues who are engaged in community-based projects for heritage management for the local development: ecomuseums, community museums, local museums developing territory strategies and community mobilization. We want to share our experience, our questions, our hopes, our difficulties, and we want also to envisage the possibility of further exchanges.

The Ecomuseum Network of Lombardy, the region of which Milan is the capital, is in charge of the organization of this Special Programme, in coordination with the Organizing Committee of the Conference which has already offered its help and the material facilities to make possible the activities in Milan during the conference itself.

 1. Forum of ecomuseums and community museums during the Conference

Wednesday 6th July- Forum open to all ICOM 2016 participants interested by New Museology and community


- Presentation of Italian ecomuseums and of the National Ecomuseum Network

- Exhibition of posters and documents proposed by the foreign participants

- Mini-bookshop of publications brought by Italian and foreign participants

- Possibility of workshops for preparing bilateral or multilateral cooperative projects and exchanges

Friday 8th July- Visit in groups to ecomuseums in the Milan Metropolitan area, and in subalpine lakes area.

2. Optional visits before or after the Conference