Making museums matter. Rethinking Museum Work -30 November, 10.30 – 12.00 MET
Guests: Prof. Dr. Mario Moutinho, Moana Soto MA (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lissabon), Ole Joerss (Museu da Maré in Brasilien)
Inspired by the debates about the new museum definition of ICOM, this series of online panel discussions and lectures seeks to rethink museum work in German-speaking countries. Which international museum theories, practices and ethics could be introduced to help rethink museum work? How might they be implemented? What changes to existing ideas about museums’ roles, social relevance and responsibility would they bring?
The series welcomes the participation of museum and other professionals, ICOM members, students, activists, sympathizers and volunteers who are interested in getting involved with the broader discussion created around our museums and collections. In times when our societies and therefore our museums are facing threats of anti-democratic movements, climate catastrophe and the pandemic, it is more vital than ever that we seek to understand the core practical, theoretical and ethical work of and about museums.
To address these questions, we bring together international guests to discuss new perspectives and concepts as well as chances and challenges of their translation and implementation into the German-speaking contexts. We also look at inspirational museum projects, which themselves indicate new directions in museum theory and practice.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, 30 November, 10.30 – 12.00 MET | Dienstag, 30 November, 10:30-12:00 Uhr MEZ
Sociomuseology – Museen machen Gesellschaftspolitik!
Was ist Sociomuseology? Was sind ihre Möglichkeiten? Wo und wie hat sich diese museologische Richtung entwickelt? Würzburger Studierende diskutieren mit Prof. Dr. Mario Moutinho und Moana Soto MA (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lissabon), um zu verstehen, wie Museen Gesellschaftspolitik machen und eine Plattform für Aktivismus und Protest bieten. Daneben wird Ole Joerss aus dem Museu da Maré in Brasilien berichten. Alle Teilnehmenden sind eingeladen, sich über die gesellschaftspolitische Wirkkraft von Museen auszutauschen.
Diese Online-Veranstaltung ist in deutscher und englischer Sprache.
Gäste: Prof. Dr. Mario Moutinho, Moana Soto MA (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lissabon), Ole Joerss (Museu da Maré in Brasilien)
Team: Simon Bosch, Guido Fackler, Violetta Grümpel, Maria Magdalena Neu, Johanna Rieger, Jana Sierig, Luisa Wesch
Literaturhinweis: Moutinho, Mario / Primo, Judite Santos: Die Soziomuseologie und ihr theoretischer Bezugsrahmen. In: Gesser, Susanne / Gorgus, Nina / Jannelli, Angela (Hg.): Das subjektive Museum. Partizipative Museumsarbeit zwischen Selbstvergewisserung und gesellschaftspolitischem Engagement. Bielefeld 2020, S. 27-44.
Sociomuseology – Museums make public policies!
What is Sociomuseology? What are the possibilities of these practices? Where and how did this school of thought develop? Join the conversation between Prof. Dr. Mario Moutinho with Moana Soto MA (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon) and students of Würzburg to explore how we can engage in the development of public policies, activism and protest in the field of museums. Ole Joerss will be reporting from the Museu da Maré in Brazil. All participants are invited to discuss the topic and reflect on the role of museums in the process of creating public policies.
This online event will take place in German and English.
Guests: Prof. Dr. Mario Moutinho, Moana Soto MA (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lissabon), Ole Joerss (Museu da Maré in Brasilien)
Team: Simon Bosch, Guido Fackler, Violetta Grümpel, Maria Magdalena Neu, Johanna Rieger, Jana Sierig, Luisa Wesch