The three first volumes of the Sociomuseology and Sociomuséologie Collection have already been released in and other three will be released between this December and February 2025.
Next year's planned publications also include important partnerships with the Sorbonne, Quebec and Catania universities.
All the books can be found online at or purchased in print on demand from Amazon.
Some launch events will be organized in person and online in 2025, starting with one included in the program of the ICOM Social Museology Committee Conference (SOMUS-ICOM) on 13 and 14 February in Lisbon, Portugal.
Our warm thanks to the Editorial Board composed by
Adel Pausini
Carolina Ruoso
Giusy Pappalardo
Guido Fackler
Judite Primo
Léontine Meijer van Mensch
Manuelina Maria Duarte Cândido
Marcelle Nogueira Pereira
Mário Moutinho
Placide Mumbembele Sanger
Also thank you Bel Lavratti for creating the visual identity, covers and layout of the books. And to Ana Swartz for the revision of introductory texts in English and French for each volume.