2024_#02 A guide through Sociomuseology: roots and practices, Maria Magdalena Neu
Download 2024_A guide through Sociomuseology: roots and practices, Maria Magdalena Neu
Manuelina Maria Duarte Cândido
Professora convidada do Departamento de Museologia da Universidade Lusófona
[Capa e Paginação] Bel Lavratti
[Imagem da capa] Inverted Museum - Inspired by Inverted America (Joaquín Torres-García, 1943). Artist: Violetta Grümpel, 2024
[Edição] Edições Universitárias Lusófonas Campo Grande 376, 1700-090 Lisboa
[ISBN] 979-8340484208
[DOI] : https://doi.org/10.60543/fcsea/4erv-d976
This master thesis was officially conferred by the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias in Lisbon, taking its place within the distinguished
Faculty of Social Sciences, Education, and Administration, within the Department of Museology. While the body of the text remains unaltered, this introductory paragraph stands as an exception, rendering its timestamp to August of 2022.
Reflections of Sociomuseology, mostly in Portuguese and Spanish, work from a southern and decolonial perspective . In that sense, South America plays a
significant role in our history of emergence. We work from the southern perspective and use southern theories – built on northern or western concepts of museum, history, and identity. We question such concepts and produce decolonial knowledge in museum studies, reflecting on the potentials the field holds in the prospect of socio-economic development of areas and the inherent communities.
Often ignored or reduced to exoticist, judged too alternative to be applied in northern contexts, the perspective on museums produced by those who are not part of the Eurocentric canon is not only legitimate in Sociomuseology – it serves as the major inspiration.
This book is an invitation sent out to the rest of the English-speaking Museology world in the aim to increase the necessary international recognition for the field. An opportunity for southern reflections, discussions and produced knowledge to get a broader recognition worldwide. It has been written with the objective to open the door to those interested to get into the arena of our discussions, expanding the group of museologists aware of Sociomuseology as a school of thought and the socio-political transformative potential of museal actions which embody Sociomuseology’s field of study.
Download 2024_A guide through Sociomuseology: roots and practices, Maria Magdalena Neu